Our work


We are working on a more effective treatment for one of the leading causes of infectious deaths worldwide


What is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is an infection that primarily affects the lungs, but can disseminate to any part of the body, such as the kidney, spine and brain. It is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Despite being both a preventable and curable disease, it is the leading cause of infectious death worldwide. While tuberculosis can be found anywhere in the world, most people who contract tuberculosis are in low- and middle-income countries.


Why are we targeting this disease?


people (est.) fell ill with TB in 2023


children diagnosed in 2023


World Health Organization. WHO Tuberculosis fact sheet.


people died of TB in 2023


Transmission stages of Onchocerca volvulus


Dovramilast (previously known as CC-11050 or AMG 634)

Current treatment regimens for tuberculosis require patients to undergo daily multidrug treatment for up to two years, in the worst-case scenario. While effective, the complexity of the treatment along with social factors (such as accessibility) can lead to poor compliance, drug resistance and treatment failure. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis remains a public health emergency: of the 10 million new cases in 2019, over 200,000 were multidrug-resistant.

Most people infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis do not develop symptoms. People with weakened immune systems are at much higher risk of developing serious disease. While some antibacterial strategies are effective against tuberculosis, there are few immunomodulatory treatments – that is, those that modify the body’s immune response.

Dovramilast is a selective inhibitor of the enzyme PDE4 found in monocytes and macrophages and other cells of the innate immune response. PDE4 inhibitors are immunomodulators that down-regulate the production of pro-inflammatory factors and up-regulate the anti-inflammatory interleukin-10.

We are investigating the potential for Dovramilast in the treatment of tuberculosis in a Phase 2b clinical trial sponsored by the Aurum Institute, having completed proof of concept in a Phase 2a study sponsored by the Aurum Institute and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


Moxidectin project websites

Moxidectin icon showing 3 blue tablets

Moxidectin for accelerating onchocerciasis elimination

A paediatric dose-finding study, a phase 3b trial comparing efficacy and safety of annual and biannual moxidectin or ivermectin treatment and mathematical modelling of moxidectin and ivermectin based elimination strategies to support country policy decisions.

Project Website
Moxidectin icon showing 3 blue tablets

Treatment for all: a paediatric formulation of moxidectin for neglected infectious diseases

The MiniMox project is developing an alternative formulation of moxidectin.  This formulation is intended for children and others unable to swallow the 2mg tablets available.

Project Website
Moxidectin icon showing 3 blue tablets

Implementing moxidectin in community treatment of River Blindness

MDGH is supporting the first implementation of moxidectin as an alternative treatment in onchocerciasis elimination programs.

Visit Page

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Disease areas

Primarily affecting the lungs, tuberculosis remains the leading cause of infectious death worldwide.


A debilitating and disfiguring disease found in 31 African countries and beyond.

River blindness

An infectious skin condition affecting more than 200 million people at any one time.


A painful and debilitating disease of the lymph system affecting over 50 million people at any one time.

Lymphatic filariasis

A soil-transmitted infection affecting up to 100 million people, particularly children.


A chronic infectious disease which may cause skin lesions and nerve damage found in 127 countries.


Among the most common of all infections with an estimated 1.5 billion people infected worldwide.

Soil-transmitted helminth infections