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We’re working on a new treatment for this common, infectious skin condition


What is scabies?

Scabies is one of the most common infectious skin conditions in the world, caused by a microscopic mite – Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis – that burrows into the skin and lays eggs, eventually triggering a host immune response that leads to intense itching and rash. Scabies infestation may result in bacterial infection, leading to more serious complications such as nephritis, rheumatic fever and sepsis. The burden of disease is particularly high in India, the Pacific Islands, and in Australia among Indigenous communities. In 2017, scabies was included in the World Health Organization’s list of neglected tropical diseases.


Why are we targeting this disease?


More than 200 million people suffer from scabies at any one time


of children infested in endemic, resource-poor tropical settings


Up to 10% of children with scabies infestation show evidence of acute renal damage


Transmission stages of Onchocerca volvulus



The current first-line treatment for scabies is a topical agent (applied to the skin) such as permethrin and benzyl benzoate. Oral ivermectin (an anti-parasitic) is usually reserved for more serious cases. The biggest drawback to using topical agents is their need to cover and remain on the entire body for between eight to 24 hours, depending on the agent and the severity of the infestation. Ivermectin therapy is approved for use in only a handful of countries and so is not accessible to the vast majority of people in need. In addition, ivermectin has a short half-life, which usually results in the need to administer a second dose to ensure mites hatching from eggs are eliminated.  

Moxidectin was recently evaluated as a potential treatment for scabies in a Phase 2 dose-finding clinical trial sponsored by MDGH in France, Austria and Australia. Data from this study will be used to inform dose and design of the next clinical study, study MDGH-MOX-2002, a Phase 2b dose confirmatory study. The multinational Phase 2b trial began in 2023 in Latin America and North America.

Moxidectin project websites

Moxidectin icon showing 3 blue tablets

Moxidectin for accelerating onchocerciasis elimination

A paediatric dose-finding study, a phase 3b trial comparing efficacy and safety of annual and biannual moxidectin or ivermectin treatment and mathematical modelling of moxidectin and ivermectin based elimination strategies to support country policy decisions.

Moxidectin icon showing 3 blue tablets

Treatment for all

Developing a paediatric formulation moxidectin for neglected infectious diseases.


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Disease areas

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